加入25年中科院考研群 加入25年中科大考研群
力学研究所胡国庆 男 博导














-- 研究生 
-- 博士 


2000.4-2001.8 以色列Ben-Gurion University of Negev     Postdoc

2001.9-2002.9 英国University of Bristol                            Postdoc

2002.10-2004.3 加拿大国家研究院           Government Laboratory Visiting Scholar

2004.4-2006.2 加拿大University of Toronto                      Research Fellow

2006.3-2007.8 美国Vanderbilit University                         Senior Research Associate

2007.11-目前 中国科学院力学研究所                                研究员







1. Zhang, L.; Sun, J.; Wang, Y.; Wang, J.; Shi, X. & Hu, G. A non-specific organelle-targeting strategy with core-shell nanoparticles of varied lipid components/ratios. Analytical Chemistry (2016, in press)

2. Xue, C.; Chen, X.; Liu, C. & Hu, G. Lateral migration of dual droplet trains in a double spiral microchannel. Science China Physics, Mechanics & Astronomy, 59(7), 1-10 (2016)

3. Xue, C.; Zheng, X.; Chen, K.; Tian, Y. & Hu, G. Probing non-Gaussianity in confined diffusion of nanoparticles. The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, 7, 514-519 (2016)

4. Liu, C.; Xue, C.; Sun, J. & Hu, G. A generalized formula for inertial lift on a sphere in microchannels. Lab on a Chip, 16, 884-892 (2016)

5. Hu, Q.; Jiao, B.; Shi, X.; Valle, R.; Zuo, Y. & Hu, G. Effects of graphene oxide nanosheets on ultrastructure and biophysical properties of pulmonary surfactant film. Nanoscale, 7, 18025-18029 (2015) 

6. Song, K., Hu, G., Hu X., Zhong, R. & Lin, B. Encoding and controlling of two droplet trains in a microfluidic network with the loop-like structure. Microfluidics and Nanofluidics, 19, 1363-1375 (2015) 

7. Qian, Y., Zhang, J., Hu, Q., Xu, M., Chen, Y., Hu, G., Zhao, M. & Liu, S. Silver nanoparticles-induced hemoglobin decrease alteration of histone 3 methylation status. Biomaterials, 70, 12-22 (2015)  

8. Chen, X., Song, Y., Li, D. & Hu, G. Deformation and interaction of droplet pairs in a microchannel under ac electric fields. Physical Review Applied, 4, 024005 (2015) 

9. Feng, Q., Zhang, L., Liu, C., Li, X., Hu, G., Sun, J. & Jiang, X. Microfluidic based high throughut synthesis of lipid-polymer hybrid nanoparticles with tunable diameters. Biomicrofluidics, 9, 052604 (2015) 

10. Liu, C., Xue, C., Chen, X., Shan, L., Tian, Y. & Hu, G. Size-based separation of particles and cells utilizing viscoelastic effects in straight microchannels. Analytical Chemistry, 87, 6041-6048 (2015) 

11. Chen, K., Shan, L., He, S., Hu, G., Meng, Y. & Tian, Y. Biphasic resistive pulses and ion concentration modulation during particle translocation through cylindrical nanopores. Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 119, 8329-8335 (2015)   

12. 陈晓东,胡国庆. 微流控器件中的多相流动. 力学进展, 201503 (2015)  

13. Liu, C., Hu, G., Jiang, X. & Sun, J. Inertial focusing of spherical particles in rectangular microchannels over a wide range of Reynolds numbers. Lab on a Chip, 15, 1168-1177 (2015)  

14. Chen, X., Xue, C., Zhang, L., Hu, G., Jiang, X. & Sun, J. Inertial migration of deformable droplets in a microchannel. Physics of Fluids, 26, 112003 (2014) 

15. Wang, J., Zhang, L., Xue, J. & Hu, G. Ion diffussion coefficient measurements in nanochannels at various concentrations. Biomicrofluidics, 8, 024118 (2014)  

16 Wang, J., Chen, W., Sun, J., Liu, C., Yin, Q., Zhang, L., Xiangyu, Y., Shi, X., Hu, G. & Jiang, X. A Microfluidic tubing method and its application to controlled synthesis of polymeric nanoparticles. Lab on a Chip, 14, 1673-1677 (2014)  

17. Yu, W., Qu, H., Hu, G., Zhang, Q., Song, K., Guan, H., Liu, T. & Qin, J. A microfluidic-based multi-shear device for investigating the effects of low fluid-induced stresses on osteoblasts. PLoS ONE, 9, e89966 (2014)   

18. Wang, J., Ma, J., Ni, Z., Zhang, L. & Hu, G. Effects of access resistance on the resistive-pulse caused by translocating of a nanoparticle through a nanopore. RSC Advances, 4(15), 7601-7610 (2014)  

19. Kale, A., Patel, S., Qian, S., Hu, G. & Xuan, X. Joule heating effects on reservoir‐based dielectrophoresis. Electrophoresis, 35, 721-727 (2014)  

20. Hu, G., Jiao, B., Shi, X., Valle, R. P., Fan, Q. & Zuo, Y. Y. Physicochemical properties of nanoparticles regulate translocation across pulmonary surfactant monolayer and formation of lipoprotein corona. ACS nano, 7(12), 10525-10533 (2013)   

21. Kale, A., Patel, S., Hu, G. & Xuan, X. Numercial modeling of Joule heating effects in insulator-based dielectrophoresis microdevices. Electrophoresis, 34, 674-683 (2013)   

22. Sun, J., Xianyu, Y., Li, M., Liu, W., Zhang, L., Liu, D., Liu, C., Hu, G. & Jiang, X. A microfluidic origami chip for synthesis of functionalized polymeric nanoparticles. Nanoscale, 5(12), 5262-5265 (2013)  






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