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戴君虎  男  博导  中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所
电子邮件: daijh@igsnrr.ac.cn
通信地址: 北京市朝阳区大屯路甲11号
邮政编码: 100101






    戴君虎,男,陕西蓝田人。中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所研究员、中国科学院大学岗位教授、博士生导师,现任综合自然地理研究室主任、“中国物候观测网”副主任。2001年11月起在中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所工作。2007年~2008年赴普林斯顿大学(Princeton University)生态与生物进化系(Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology)进行高级访问研究。研究方向为全球变化与生态地理过程,近年主要致力于植物地理及植被生态、物候学、历史土地利用变化与陆地碳循环等研究。目前担任International Journal of Biometeorology, Scientific Reports, PlosOne, Advances in Climate Change Research,《资源科学》和《全球变化数据学报》(中英文版)等国内外学术期刊编委。主要学术成绩有:






1996-09--1999-07   北京大学   博士学位
1993-09--1996-07   西北大学   硕士学位
1987-09--1991-07   西北大学   学士学位
北京大学 -- 研究生
北京大学 -- 博士


2008-01~2014-03,中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所, 自然环境变化与格局研究室副主任
2007-11~2008-03,美国普林斯顿大学(Princeton University), 高级访问学者
2001-12~2014-03,中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所自然环境变化与格局研究室, 研究人员
1999-09~2001-11,北京大学遥感与地理信息系统研究所, 植被遥感博士后研究
2017-03-10-今,《全球变化数据学报》, 编委
2015-01-12-今,《资源科学》, 编委
2014-10-12-2018-10-01,国际生物气象学会(International Society of Biometeorology), 理事(Councilor of Executive Board)
2014-09-12-2018-09-12,《国际生物气象学报》(International Journal of Biometeorology), 编委
2014-08-12-今,Scientific Report, 编委




1. Dai Junhu*, Mengyao Zhu, Huanjiong Wang, Quansheng Ge. 2018. Phenophase shifts across elevations on major mountains in North China. Regional Problems(Russian Federation). 21(3(1)): 82-88

2. Wang Li, Yu Haiying, Zhang Qiang*, Xu Yunjia, Tao Zexing, Alatalo Juha, Dai Junhu*. 2018. Responses of aboveground biomass of alpine grasslands to climate changes on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. Journal of Geographical Sciences. 28(12): 1953-1964.

3. Alessandro Ferrarini,Mohammed Alsafran, Junhu Dai, Juha Alatalo. 2018. Improving niche projections of plant species under climate change: Silene acaulis on the British Isles as a case study. Climate Dynamics. DOI: 10.1007/s00382-018-4200-9.

4. Dai Junhu*, Xu Yunjia, Wang Huanjiong, Alatalo Juha, Tao Zexing, Ge Quansheng. 2017. Variations in the temperature sensitivity of spring leaf phenology from 1978 to 2014 in Mudanjiang, China. International Journal of BiometeorologyDOI: 10.1007/s00484-017-1489-8

5. Tao Zexing, Wang Huanjiong, Dai Junhu⁎, Alatalo Juha, Ge Quansheng⁎. Modeling spatiotemporal variations in leaf coloring date of three tree species across China. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology. doi: 10.1016/j.agrformet.2017.10.034

6. Wang Huanjiong, Zhong, S., Tao Z., Dai Junhu*. and Ge Quansheng*, 2017. Changes in flowering phenology of woody plants from 1963 to 2014 in North China. International Journal of Biometeorology. doi:10.1007/s00484-017-1377-2.

7.  Tao Zexing, Wang Huanjiong, Liu Yachen, Xu Yunjia, and Dai Junhu*. 2017. Phenological response of different vegetation types to temperature and precipitation variations in northern China during 1982–2012. International Journal of Remote Sensing. 38113236-3252.

8. Wang HuanjiongRutishauser This, Tao ZexingZhong Shuying, Ge Quansheng*, Dai Junhu*. 2017. Impacts of global warming on phenology of spring leaf unfolding remain stable in the long run. International Journal of Biometeorology. 612287-292.

9. Wu Wenxiang, Dai Junhu, Zhou Yang, and Ge Quansheng. 2017. Comment on “Outburst flood at 1920 BCE supports historicity of China’s Great Flood and the Xia dynasty”. Science, 355, 1382-1382

10. Ge Q, Dai Junhu, Cui H, Wang H. Spatiotemporal variability in start and end of growing season in China related to climate variability. Remote Sensing, 2016, 8: 433.

11. Liu Y, Dai Junhu*, Wang H, et al. Phenological records in Guanzhong Area in central China between 600 and 902 AD as proxy for winter half-year temperature reconstruction, 2016, SCIENCE CHINA Earth Sciences. 59(9): 1847-1853.

12. Zheng F, Tao Z, Liu Y, Xu Y, Dai Junhu*, Ge Q*. Variation of main phenophases in phenological calendar in East China and their response to climate change. Advances in Meteorology, 2016, 2016: 1-8.

13. Wang H, Dai J, Zheng J, Ge Q. 2015. Temperature sensitivity of plant phenology in temperate and subtropical regions of China from 1850 to 2009. International Journal of Climatology. 35:913-922

14. Wang H, Ge Q, Dai J*, Tao Z. 2015. Geographical pattern in first bloom variability and its relation to temperature sensitivity in the USA and China. International Journal of Biometeorology. 59:961-969

15. Wang H, Ge Q, Rutishauser T, Dai Y, Dai J*. 2015. Parameterization of temperature sensitivity of spring phenology and its application in explaining diverse phenological responses to temperature change. Scientific Reports. 5: 8833 (6 pages)

16. Ge Q, Wang H, Rutishauser T, Dai J*. 2015. Phenological response to climate change in China: a meta-analysis. Global Change Biology. 21:265-274.

17. Tao Z, Ge Q, Wang H, Dai J*. 2015. Phenological basis of determining tourism seasons for ornamental plants in central and eastern China. Journal of Geographical Sciences. 25(11) :1343-1356.

18. Dai Junhu, Wang Huanjiong, and Ge Quansheng*. 2014. Characteristics of Spring Phenological Changes in China over the Past 50 Years. Advances in Meteorology. Article ID 843568, 8 pages. doi:10.1155/2014/843568.

19. Huanjiong Wang, Junhu Dai, Jingyun Zheng and Quansheng Ge*. 2014. Temperature sensitivity of plant phenology in temperate and subtropical regions of China from 1850 to 2009.International Journal of Climatology. 35(6): 913–922.

20. Huanjiong Wang, Junhu Dai*, and Quansheng Ge*. 2014. Comparison of Satellite and Ground-Based Phenology in China’s Temperate Monsoon Area. Advances in Meteorology. Article ID 474876, 10 pages. doi:10.1155/2014/474876.

21. Ge Quansheng, Wang Huanjiong*, Zheng Jingyun, This Rutishauser, and Dai Junhu*. 2014. A 170-year spring phenogy index of plants in eastern China. Journal of Geophysical Research (Biogeosciences). 119(4): 301-311.

22. Dai Junhu, Wang Huanjiong, and Ge Quansheng. 2014. The spatial pattern of leaf phenology and its response to climate change in China. International Journal of Biometeorology. 58(4): 521-528.

23. Ge Quansheng, Wang Huanjiong, and Dai Junhu*. 2014. Simulating changes in the leaf unfolding time of 20 plant species in China over the twenty-first century. International Journal of Biometeorology. 58(4): 473-484.

24. Guo Liang, Dai Junhu, Ranjitkar Sailesh, Yu Haiying, Xu Jianchu, and Luedeling Eike. 2014. Chilling and heat requirements for flowering in temperate fruit trees. International Journal of Biometeorology58(6): 1195-1206.

25.  Ge Quansheng, Wang Huanjiong, Dai Junhu*. Shifts in spring phenophases, frost events and frost risks for woody plants in temperate China. Climate Research. 2013, 57: 249-258(DOI: 10.3354/cr01182.)

26. Dai Junhu, Wang Huanjiong, and Ge Quansheng. 2013. Multiple phenological responses to climate change among 42 plant species in Xi'an, China. International Journal of Biometeorology. 57: 749-758.

27. Dai Junhu*, Ge Quansheng, Xiao Shufang, Wang Mengmai, et al. 2009. Wet-dry changes in the borderland of Shaanxi, Gansu and Ningxia from 1208 to 1369 based on historical records. Journal of Geographical Sciences. 19(6): 750-764.

28. Ge Qusheng, Dai Junhu*, Zheng Jingyun et al. 2011. Advances in first bloom dates and increased occurrences of yearly second blooms in eastern China since the 1960s: further phenological evidence of climate warming. Ecological Research. 26(4): 713-723. 

29. Ge Quansheng, Dai Junhu*, He Fanneng et al. 2008. Land use changes and their relations with carbon cycles over the past 300a in China. Science in China Series D-Earth Sciences. 51(6): 871-884.

30. Dai Junhu, Wang Huanjiong and Ge Quansheng. 2013. The decreasing spring frost risks during the flowering period for woody plants in temperate area of eastern China over past 50 years. Journal of Geographical Sciences. 23(4): 641-652.

31. Wang Huanjiong, Dai Junhu*, Ge Quansheng. 2012. The spatiotemporal characteristics of spring phenophase changes of Fraxinus chinensis in China from 1952 to 2007. Science China Earth Sciences (Science in China: Series D Earth Sciences). 55(6): 991-1000.

32. Bai Jie, Quansheng Ge, and Dai Junhu*, 2011: The response of first flowering dates to abrupt climate change in Beijing. Adv. Atmos. Sci. 28(3): 564-572.

33. ​Ge Quansheng, Dai Junhu*. 2005. Farming and forestry land use changes in China and their driving forces from 1900 to 1980. Science in China Series D-Earth Sciences. 48(10): 1747-1757.

34. Ge Quansheng, Dai Junhu*, He Fanneng et al. 2004. Spatiotemporal dynamics of reclamation and cultivation and its driving factors in parts of China during the last three centuries. Progress in Natural Science. 14(7): 605-608.

35. Guo Liang, Dai Junhu, Ranjitkar Sailesh, Xu Jianchu, Luedeling Eike. 2013. Response of chestnut phenology in China to climate variation and change. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology. 180: 164-172.

36. Ge Quansheng, Dai Junhu, Liu Jun, and Zhong Shuying. 2013. The effect of climate change on the fall foliage vacation in China. Tourism Management. 38: 80-84.

37. Luedeling Eike, Guo Liang, Dai Junhu, Leslie Charles & Blanke Michael M. 2013. Differential responses of trees to temperature variation during the chilling and forcing phases. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology. 181: 33-42.

38. Zhang Xuezhen, Dai Junhu, Ge Quansheng. 2013. Variation in vegetation greenness in spring across eastern China during 1982–2006. Journal of Geographical Sciences. 2013, 23(1): 45-56.


(1) 温室效应, Greenhouse Effects, 中国环境科学出版社, 2002-07, 第 1 作者
(2) 山地生态和高山林线研究, Mountain Ecology and Alpine Timberline Studies, 科学出版社, 2005-12, 第 3 作者
(3) 过去三百年中国土地利用变化与陆地碳收支, Carbon Budgets Caused by LUCC in China during the Past 300 Years, 科学出版社, 2008-07, 第 2 作者
(4) 中国碳排放的历史演变. 见葛全胜等《中国碳排放的历史和现状》, Past and Present Carbon Emissions in China, 气象出版社, 2011-01, 第 2 作者



邵力阳  硕士研究生  070501-自然地理学  

肖树芳  硕士研究生  070501-自然地理学  

王梦麦  硕士研究生  070501-自然地理学  

王焕炯  硕士研究生  070501-自然地理学  

王红丽  硕士研究生  070501-自然地理学  

陶泽兴  硕士研究生  070501-自然地理学  

宋文静  硕士研究生  070501-自然地理学  

王焕炯  博士研究生  070501-自然地理学  

徐韵佳  硕士研究生  070601-气象学  

陶泽兴  博士研究生  070501-自然地理学  

郑丰谊  博士研究生  070501-自然地理学  


臧雅琼  博士研究生  070501-自然地理学  

朱梦瑶  博士研究生  070501-自然地理学  

黄文婕  博士研究生  070501-自然地理学  

徐韵佳  博士研究生  070501-自然地理学  

胡植  博士研究生  070501-自然地理学  


( 1 ) 中国木本植物春季物候期的预测方法和系统, 发明, 2013, 第 2 作者, 专利号: 201310008173.3
( 2 ) 一种实现场景成像与目标光谱测量的装置, 实用新型, 2018, 第 2 作者, 专利号: 201710693970.8
( 3 ) 一种多光谱成像系统, 实用新型, 2018, 第 2 作者, 专利号: 2017 2 1400041.5
( 4 ) 一种多光谱镜头和多光谱测量装置, 实用新型, 2018, 第 2 作者, 专利号: 2017 2 1223775.0


( 1 ) 三江源地区脆弱生态系统修复与可持续发展关键技术研究及其应用示范, 主持, 国家级, 2009-03--2012-12
( 2 ) 人均历史累积排放问题研究, 主持, 国家级, 2010-03--2011-12
( 3 ) 特征时段东亚季风变化与人类活动的相互作用研究, 主持, 部委级, 2007-01--2009-12
( 4 ) 陕甘宁交界山地植被格局、动态及与气候变化的关系研究, 主持, 国家级, 2009-01--2011-12
( 5 ) 六盘山岛状植被的生态格局与形成机理研究, 主持, 国家级, 2005-01--2007-12
( 6 ) 物候观测及关键地区气候变化研究, 主持, 市地级, 2007-01--2008-12
( 7 ) 中国物候观测网观测方法调整及资料的系统整理, 主持, 市地级, 2009-01--2011-12
( 8 ) 全球变化背景下中国东部季风区自然物候时空变化研究, 参与, 国家级, 2011-01--2014-12
( 9 ) 全球变化对干旱半干旱区的影响与适应对策, 主持, 国家级, 2012-01--2015-12
( 10 ) 中国气象及植物物候历史资料整编, 主持, 国家级, 2014-01--2018-12
( 11 ) 过去2000年陕甘宁接壤地区植被生态变化的证据, 主持, 国家级, 2012-01--2015-12
( 12 ) 全球环境变化人文因素的检测与分析技术研究, 主持, 国家级, 2007-01--2010-12
( 13 ) 过去百年中国物候变化的时空格局, 主持, 国家级, 2011-01--2015-12
( 14 ) 物候观测及关键地区气候变化研究, 主持, 市地级, 2006-01--2007-12
( 15 ) 中国植被物候对全球变化的响应机制及未来趋势, 主持, 国家级, 2018-05--2023-04
( 16 ) 近50年典型森林和草原物候动态与格局, 主持, 国家级, 2018-05--2023-04
(1)A 170-year spring phenogy index of plants in eastern China   第十三届欧洲气象学会暨十一届欧洲气象应用大会   Wang Huanjiong, Ge Guansheng, Dai Junhu, Zheng Jingyun   2013-09-09
(2)Shift of growing season length in China from satellite and ground-based data   第十三届欧洲气象学会暨十一届欧洲气象应用大    Dai Junhu, Wang Huanjiong   2013-09-09
(3)Spatial-temporal and interspecific variation of phenological responses to climate change in China   2012年国际物候大会:未来气候和地球生命   Dai Junhu, Wang Huanjiong and Ge Quansheng   2012-09-10
(4)The possible change for leaf unfolding time of 20 plant species during the 21st century in China   2012年国际物候大会:未来气候和地球生命    Wang Huanjiong, Dai Junhu and Ge Quansheng   2012-09-10
(5)Spatial-temporal changes of spring phenophase changes in China over the past half century   第十九届国际生物气象大会   Dai Junhu, Wang Huanjiong, and Ge Quansheng   2011-11-04
(6)Climate change and potential effects on vegetations of Borderland among Shaanxi and Gansu Provinces, and Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region   中俄自然科学基金半干旱区植被研讨会:生态梯度、空间格局和气候变化趋势   Dai Junhu, Mengmai Wang and Xiao Shufang   2010-09-19
(7)Changes of spring phenophases in cities of China and spatial differences   城镇生物多样性和设计国际大会(URBIO)   Dai Junhu, Wang Huanjiong and Ge Quansheng   2010-05-18
(8) Climatic changes and their effects on occurrence of pollen allergy in Beijing   京津地区环境变化和人体安全国际研讨会   Dai Junhu, Wang Mengmai, and Ge Quansheng   2008-10-06
(9)The relationship between global warming and plant second bloom revealed by the phenological observations in China   第十八届国际生物气象大会   Ge Quansheng, Dai Junhu, Zheng Jingyun   2008-09-22
(10)Land-use/land-cover change and possible effects on carbon storage in China during the last 300 years   区域碳收支国际研讨会   Ge Quansheng, Dai Junhu, He Fanneng, and Pan Yuan   2006-08-16
(11)An analysis on the relationship between recent warming and plants phenology in Beijing   第十七届国际生物气象大会   Dai Junhu, Ge Quansheng, Zheng Jingyun and Zhong Shuying   2005-09-05


Oeschger Centre for Climate Change Research (OCCR) and Institute of Geography, University of Bern, Bern, Switzerland;World Agroforestry Centre (ICRAF), Nairobi, Kenya;北京大学生态学系;北京师范大学;复旦大学等。






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